NJT VAT Return Demo - Version 8.3 released on 22nd May 2024

(This free software simulates the submission of VAT Returns for businesses & agents, it does not actually communicate with HMRC)

The free 'NJT VAT Return Demo' is a separate software product that simulates the live 'NJT VAT Return Manager' software product.
For information, before you can use the 'Live' software product, you first need to sign up to MTD. This is because the first step is to 'Grant Authority' using your MTD VAT account.
Consequently, it is difficult to obtain a practical understanding of how the 'Live' software works. This is where the demonstration software may help to improve knowledge and awareness.

The demonstration software allows you to simulate the full 'End to End' process without being signed up to MTD. This is a perfectly safe method to familiarise yourself with the functionality of the 'Live' software' without actually communicating with HMRC. Additionally, you may wish to use this software to assist in training or to improve understanding of the required processes under MTD.

All you need to use this software, is a valid VAT Registration Number and the ability to create VAT returns in any of the formats supported by the software.
For information, you can also 'Reset' the demonstration software, via the 'Administration Routines', and repeat the processes as many times as you wish.

Please Note: The 'Demo' and 'Live' software are different products. If you wish to purchase the 'Live' software, then click on the menu item 'VAT Return Manager' and follow the instructions within the 'Software Purchase & Renewal' section.

How to install the 'NJT VAT Return Demo'

[Click here] Before you install, it is recommended that you view the 'System Requirements' page.

  1. Create New Folder
    Create a new folder on your computer. For example, "C:\My Demo".

    Tip: You may wish to create a shortcut on your Windows Desktop, which points to this folder. Note: The actual file name of the software will change when subsequent versions are released, so the shortcut needs to point to the Folder and not the file.

  2. Change Excel Configuration (Options/Trust Centre)
    Microsoft has taken a much tighter approach to software security. As a result of this, some Excel features are disabled during initial installation. In order for the VAT Return Demo to function correctly, a few changes are required within the Excel Options.
    Open a blank workbook in Excel. (For recent versions of Excel, Click on 'File' menu, then 'Options', then 'Trust Centre' then click on 'Trust Centre Settings').
    Note: For Office 2007, Click on the 'Office' button as the 'File' menu does not exist.
    1. Trusted Locations: Add the 'Location' of the folder where you saved the workbook,
      (For example, "C:\My Demo"). Also tick the box 'Subfolders'.
    2. Macro Settings: Tick the box 'Trust Access to the VBA project model'.
    3. Then, click on the 'OK' button.
    4. Finally, Exit Excel.

  3. Add the NJT Website address to your list of Trusted Sites (Internet Options/Security/Trusted Sites/Sites)
    Microsoft has taken a much tighter approach to software security when downloading software. In order for the VAT Return Manager to function correctly, please add the NJT website address to the list of 'Trusted Sites' within your Windows 'Internet Options'.
    Your Internet Options can be found via the 'Control Panel' or by typing "Internet Options" within your Windows search box.
      Within your Internet Options:
    1. Click on the 'Security' tab.
    2. Click on the 'Trusted Sites' Zone.
    3. Click on the 'Sites' button.
    4. Type "https://neilsonjamestech.co.uk/" in the box. (Excluding the speech marks)
    5. Click on the 'Add' button.
    6. Also tick the box named 'Require server verification (https:) for all sites in the zone'.
    7. Then click 'Close' followed by 'OK'

  4. Download Software to Folder
    Download the 'NJT VAT Return Demo', then (move or save) it to the folder you have just created.

    Click on the button to download the free demonstraion.

    Note 1: The download process may vary depending upon which Internet browser you use and the browser's configuration.
    Note 2: It is important that you store the software within it's own folder as certain sub folders are automatically created when the software is opened.

    Important Note:
      Under certain circumstances the software file may remain 'Blocked' or 'Read-only':
    1. Open File explorer or Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder containing the software.
    2. Right click on the software file then click on 'Properties'.
    3. Remove the tick in the 'Read-Only' box where necessary.
    4. Unblock the file by clicking on the 'Unblock' button or 'Unblock' Tick box where necessary.
    5. Click 'OK'

  5. Open Software
    Finally, Open the 'NJT VAT Return Demo' software and follow the on-screen instructions.

  6. Free Remote Support from NJT
    If you are having difficulties installing the software, then you can contact NJT and arrange for assistance via the 'Remote log-in' service.
    1. Contact NJT and arrange a time.
    2. [Click Here] to download the 'Splash Top' SOS software.
    3. Run the software, then telephone NJT and give the 9-digit code when requested.
    4. NJT will then remotely access your computer.
    5. When the remote access session is complete, disconnect then exit the software.